Codice fiscale - Italian tax code, as an identification number

It is an identification code in Italy, basically series of letters and numbers, it is used as a personal identificational code, along with name, date and place of birth and address. It is requested for important transactions (for examlpe real estate purchase) and less important ones as well, most recently for ordering furniture online. It can be requested by anyone and I suggest you shuld have it if you have business matters in Italy. 


- fill in and sign the provided form (you can find the link above and here is my guide on the right side)

- valid ID and certificate of your address                 

- submit it to the relevant Italian office      

There are two possibilities: to ask the Italian Embassy of your home country, or to go to Italy to a Tax Office (Agenzia delle Entrate).  If you choose the Embassy, send them an e-mail with all the documents attached and describe your request. In case eveyrthing is ok, they will send you your Italian tax ID certificate by e-mail - they might answer in max. 2 weeks, but they usually do inform you before. As an alternative way you can also go there personally. In Italy you can go to any tax office, fill in the form, they will photocopy the ID and issue the certificate on the spot.          


a) Italian Embassy of your country

It is possible to go personally to ask for information about the process, they will give you the appliaction form (what you can find if you click to the link below), and they will help you to fill it up. Bring your valid identity card and if everything goes well, they issue the certificate. 

Most of the times it is possible to apply also via e-mail. In this case you need to fill the applicaton form, sign it, scan it back and attach it with the copy of your identitiy card and send to them. I suggest to write a small description about what you want like this: 


To the attention of the Italian Embassy  in ZZZ , 

I am XXX and I would like to apply for an Italian codice fiscale, which would be necessary for me in the future for the purchase of real estate in Italy. You can find tha documentation in attachment, the completed and signed codice fiscale application form, the copy of my identity card and residency card. If anything is not correct please let me know and I will take immediate action.

I look forward to hearing from you, 

Have a nice day, 


b) Tax Office in Italy (Agenzia delle Entrate)

You can go to any tax office in Italy and apply for the "codice fiscale". They will give you the form you need to fill in, photocopy your identity card, document your personal details and they issue a certificate. It is advisable to book an appointment in advance and make an appointment, as there may be a very large number of people. I often accompany my clients on an assignment. 

You can see the result, as the certificate on the right side as the second image. 

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